KFEM endeavors to secure people from biological and chemical hazards that are in presence in our modern society and environment. KFEM campaigns against the existence of toxic chemicals, endocrine disrupters, carcinogenic materials that are embedded in our daily lives, and monitors indoor air quality of public places such as schools and subways. KFEM has conducted a research upon the noxiousness of PVC contained in plastic bottles and IV bags in hospitals. As KFEM has articulated that plastic bottled and IV bags are detrimental for both human health and the environment, the organization campaigned for free-PVC in hospitals and helped disperse the practices.
KFEM also watches carefully over food and agricultural issues by fighting against Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO), chemical food, and artificial additives to support natural agricultural practices. Moreover, KFEM supplies organic agricultural food and encourage the purchase of healthier products. The organization also conducts a variety of independent research to determine the security and safety of those products that can be tolerated by the human body system and the environment.